Discovery Timeline
Larry is not a physics professor, a mathematician nor an industrial technician. He was an EXPERIMENTER which is why he was able to think outside the box. We hope you enjoy this new adventure in “Common Sense Physics” and continue Larry's process of discovery and verification through experimentation of your own. As Larry would say, "I'm just playing around with the basics. It works and it's not in the books."
Simplified the table of elements that he renamed the Larry Spring Table of Elements and nearby protons. “Considering atoms to be composed only of PROTONS, ELECTRONS and a balanced combination of the two, the NEUTRON, with no leftover parts.
Verified the speed of light using television transmission. I measured one wavelength and multiplied it by the frequency.
Verified the speed of electrical current in television lead line
Verified that the expanding magnetic field around an electric current carrying conductor at 186,000 miles per second from the conductor outward is the most rapid expansion or explosion. Atomic fission, expelling a proton or electron from a nucleus at 20 thousand miles per second, could be the next.
Verification of Lenz's Law. (Basis for new understanding of friction)
Verification of the Quantum theory (Energy is neither wave nor particle. Energy is a quantity that employs particles which when in motion cause waves. Moving energy is a field of influence)
Observed that energy is mass less and therefore weightless (It is not affected by gravity, nor does it accelerate).
Discovery of spherical shape of a quantum, now called a MAGNESPHERE.
Discovered the magnetic structure of a MAGNESPHERE.
Discovered that transparency through openings in wire netting is proportional to the opening diameter relative to the diameter of the MAGNESPHERE.
Discovered that transparency around electrically disconnected surface & is proportional to the size of the surface relative to the size of the MAGNESPHERE.
Discovered that MAGNESPHERES produced alternating polarity by alternating current.
Discovered that MAGNESPHERES compress while passing through a denser medium, which gives the appearance of traveling slower.
Discovered that MAGNESPHERE regains speed by expansion when departing the denser medium. Compression and expansion give rise to total internal reflect.
Discovered that an electrically connected surface as large as the impinging MAGNESPHERE is necessary for efficient reflection.
Discovered the radiation of MAGNESPHERE by opposing magnetic field.
Verified that an electrical current produces a circular magnetic field around a wire. This is Hans Christian Oersted's right hand rule.
Discovered that heat is electron activity, not molecular motion.
Discovered that electrons do not spin for energy. They are driven back and forth by passing magnetic fields.
Came to believe that raindrops are formed in the atmosphere by gravity, which is the attraction of water molecules to a denser particle.
Came to believe that the largest raindrop close at hand is Earth itself.
Discovered that light bends around the sun by refraction, not gravitational attraction. Light is weightless. A laser beam is bent through a gas flame.
Discovered that light can't reflect from a neutron star in a Black Hole. No electrical current can be produced, therefore no repulsion magnetic field.
Discovered the SPRING ATOM, which is non-orbiting, the neutron being an electron and proton pair.
Discovered that the atom expands with added electron back and forth activity driven by heat. Heat is radiated magnetic energy. White light is white hot.
Discovered that the atom model with electrons orbiting the nucleus must be replaced. There is no force available to sustain orbiting electrons.
Discovered that alternating electrical current in a coil makes an alternating electromagnet.
Discovered that the interior of an atom can be arranged by electrical current giving rise to MAGNETISM.
Came to believe that four protons and four electrons (two pairs are locked together as neutrons)make the helium atom.
Discovered that in the SPRING ATOM, electrons are driven back and forth by passing magnetic fields like electrons in an antenna.
Discovered that there is no limit to expansion of the SPRING ATOM.
Came to believe that the nucleus of expanded SPRING ATOM looses some control of electrons in the Ionosphere causing Ions.
Observed that heavy nucleus attraction toward Earth by gravity tells plants which way is up.
Discovered that a neutron is the most basic element. It is a neutral particle composed of one proton and one attached electron.
Discovered that the very light electron part of the neutron in the nucleus sticks outward repelling the rest of the electrons. The very heavy positively charged protons in the nucleus want to fly apart, but are held together by Gravity, and their positive charge is neutralized by an equal number of negative electrons. The atom is neutral.
Came to believe that the atom retains its nearly empty size by electron repulsion to electron inside the atom.
Came to believe that plants arrange molecules by electrical current. Leaves are solar cells and evaporators/concentrators.
Discovered that random magnetism can not be detected with a compass.
Came to believe that every element will retain permanent magnetism below the Curie temperature
Discovered that retardation of current in TV lead was due to insulation around the lead wire.
Discovered that an internal reflecting laser beam in water can be pulled out where it touches the surface by using a glass prism.
Discovered that reflection from opposing magnetic field produced on surface by induced electrical current.
Discovered that the interior line up of nucleus and electrons inside the atom determines north pole and south pole.
Discovered that EVERY ATOM is a MAGNET normally in random orientation.
Discovered that every atom being a magnet, at the atomic level every atom displays friction by resisting even the tiniest movement of one surface press tightly against another.
Observed that random magnetic orientation in surface atoms gives normal friction.
Observed that attraction mode magnets give maximum friction.
Observed that repulsion mode magnets give minimum friction.
Discovered that light can’t reflect from a neutron star in a black hole. No electrical current can be produced, therefore no repulsion magnetic field.